
67 percent would reject EU membership

Opposition to membership of the European Union is growing in Iceland according to a new poll produced by Capacent Gallup for the Federation of Icelandic Industries (Samtök iðnaðarins) which favours joining the bloc. According to the poll 56.2 percent are against EU membership, 26.3 percent are in favour and 17.5 percent are uncertain.

Asked how people would vote in a referendum 67.4 percent said they would vote no to EU membership while 32.6 percent said they would vote yes. Of those rejecting joining the bloc 50 percent said they would definitely say no while only 12.4 percent said they would definitely accept membership.

In a similar poll by Capacent Gallup for the FII published in March 2011 61.1 percent said they would vote against EU membership in a referendum while 38.9 percent said they would support joining the EU.

Majority is opposed to EU membership in all social groups tested according to the poll now; sex, age, residence, income and education. There has been a large majority against joining the bloc in every poll produced in Iceland ever since the beginning of August 2009 or for more than two and a half year.

Asked if they wanted the EU application withdrawn 43.6 percent want to withdraw it but 42.6 percent oppose that.

In a separate poll produced by the polling company MMR and published on January 19 the majority, or 52 percent, also said they did not want to adopt the euro in Iceland while 28 percent said they did.

The poll was produced January 12-20 and published on February 22. A total of 1350 people were polled with 64.2 percent participating.

67% myndu hafna ESB-aðild (Mbl.is February 28, 2012)
The complete results of the poll
The MMR poll on the euro