
Considers the EU accession talks over

"The matter has already been put aside and the only remaining thing to do was in fact to say to the European Union: This government considers these talks over. And getting the approval of the parliament is in fact just a formality."

Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson Iceland's Foreign Minister said this today in a radio interview. His resolution to formally withdraw the EU application will not pass through parliament before the summer break. Mainly because of a filibuster from the opposition and also because other issues were seen as more urgent by the government. Mainly issues concerning the debts of Icelandic households and the fish industry.

The government in other words considers the EU accession talks over. Sveinsson said he was ready to put forward a new resolution next autumn when the parliament meets again. But in the opinion of the government doing so is just a formality since the resolution that paved the way for the EU application in 2009 is not legally binding and can only politically bind the parliament that accepts it.

Segir afdrif tillögunar ekki snautleg fyrir sig (Vísir.is May 11, 2014)