The results of a new poll in Iceland shows that an overwhelming majority of Icelanders remains opposed to membership of the European Union. According to the poll 53.8 percent opposed to the idea of joining the EU while only 27.5 percent favour it. 19.7 percent have not made up their minds.
If only those in favour of EU membership of those who oppose it are measured 66 percent are against joining the bloc while a third is in favour. The majority of the voters of all the political parties which got MPs elected to the Icelandic parliament in the last general elections reject membership except for only the social democrats.
The poll was produced by Professor Rúnar Vilhjálmsson of the University of Iceland. Some 1900 people were polled with a 67 percent participating. Vilhjálmsson said in an interview with Iceland's state broadcaster RÚV that according to his findings those opposed to EU membership are more firm in their opinion and less likely to change their minds than those in favour.
Mikill meirihluti vill ekki í ESB ( April 27, 2012)
54 prósent andvíg ESB-aðild (Rú April 27, 2012)
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